Friday, April 3, 2009

Java Axis WebServices in C#

I would like to share this article with all you people.

Before some time I was developing one application in which I have to call Java Axis Web services in my .net client application.

Here are the steps to do it:

First of all,You need to convert the wsdl you got it for java server application.
You have to get that wsdl and generate C# proxy.

You can do it in following way;

1) Use wsdl.exe that is provided by .net framework
2) Add the web reference to your client application.You need to give that wsdl when you are adding the web reference.

.Net wll automatically generate the proxy for you.

After that just create the object of that proxy class.

Use the objects,as you are using it normally and call the functions and methods of that proxy class.



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